Monday, July 4, 2011

Whose Hungry?

As you all know food and I are BFF's for life. I pretty much eat anything at anytime. Vietnamese food has been interesting...I don't think I LOVE it yet but I've tried several things that are pretty F-ing tasty.

First night that I was here I tried a traditional Vietnamese dish called PHO. It's basically noodle soup with pork, vegetables, herbs, and spices.

Critique: it wasn't too bad...but it's a bowl of hot's 90 degrees with 98% humidity here I was sweating like a beast after the first few bites.


  1. OMG this looks like the Momofoku noodles that I love!! We actually went there Friday night and it was delish. If I am ever in Vietnam I know what to order!

  2. OMG Erica that looks amazing!!!!!!! Take it back to your room where it is nice and air conditioned and eat it. I want some!

  3. yeyeyeyey I finally realized how to comment!
