Monday, July 25, 2011

Fresh Seafood Heaven

The highlight of my weekend trip to Mui Ne...Fresh Seafood for dinner!!! My director here at SEAMEO along with her family took us interns out to a delicious dinner. First we went to the fresh fish market to pick up beautiful live crabs, shrimps, and squid. Lieu, our director, filled two large bags with squirming crustaceans and proceeded to take us to her friends restaurant where they would cook our "catch" for us. O-H M-Y G-O-D. I died and went to heaven. This was hands down one of the BEST seafood dinners I have ever had in my entire life!!! With our hands we dug into piles of perfectly pink sweet shrimp, smoky barbecued squid, and tender salty crab. I, nor any one else, could stop would've been a sin to say..."I'm too Full!" I discovered a fantastic Vietnamese dipping sauce to try...even though it isn't really a sauce. It was a small bowl of salt, black pepper, and lime juice. Wowwewewhaaa! Dip a shrimp in there and it'll take you to Jesus in NO time! Nothing was over done or complicated. It was just simple, delicious, perfect food.

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