Monday, July 18, 2011

Cruising the Mekong

The Mekong Delta is a water world where boats, houses, and markets float upon the endless golden colored river, canals, and streams. The idyllic countryside of the south is carpeted in a variety of green steamy jungles and lush rice paddies. The color so intense it made me dizzy...I wanted to absorb as much as I could and I didn't know where to look first!

These are small fisherman houses. People build homes on the water and live there while they raise fish to sell in local markets. These people are usually poor and live a extremely simple lifestyle.

Canoe ride down one of the Mekongs canals. The experience made me feel like I was in a movie. It was so quite and peaceful floating under the fringed palm canopy.

By the way...our rower for the canoe was about 114 years old and 75 pounds...but that woman paddled like a camp...I'm sure she has some serious guns!

1 comment:

  1. OMG I saw this on Anthony Bourdain!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AMAZING
