Thursday, July 28, 2011

I'm Loved.

As my trip is nearing to a close I am saddened by the thought of saying goodbye to an unexpectedly loving group of amazing children. In the last few days they have expressed their feelings about me returning to New York and how they love me as a teacher. It's always nice to feel validated and appreciated. But I can't help but feel sad that I will not see them again and never watch them grow up. I've learned quite a few things about myself during my time here in Vietnam. One major lesson learned is that no matter where I go or what I do in life people LOVE me! ;) By sticking true to myself and embracing those around me I have the ability to leave an impression on people's lives. How I do it or what I do is still a mystery to me but I have finally accepted that people will love me. If I can make Vietnamese children, co-workers, Dance children, Cardozo faculty, and even that boyfriend of mine embrace my wackiness then maybe I do have something really special to share with the world. Corny...I know...Enlightening...YES! And if people don't love the me that I put out there...well too bad for them...their probably assholes anyway!!!

This is my #1 Fan Bob.

He gave me a gift for the last was a wooden flute!

Watching The Bieb's during the's song of choice..."Never Say Never"

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