Friday, July 22, 2011

I can never get away from that stage.

The end of June signifies my freedom from teaching, preforming in, and coordinating a dance recital. I did not realize that my title of Music, Song, and Dance teacher here in Vietnam would also include coordinating the performances at the closing ceremony for the Kiddy Summer Program. Yes, that's right, the grand stage has called me back. I spent the morning doing run through of songs, dances, placements, personalities, smiles, and the screams of "Please pay attention!" The highlight of my morning was when the director of the program handed me a microphone...little did she know it would be impossible to get it back from me. Well... I must've sparkled on that mic because after rehearsals she asked me to be the English MC for the event next week. Nobody puts baby in a corner! However, I do have to tone down my "act" a bit. I am after all a representative of our nation and supposed educator. Plus, I don't think wealthy Communist supporting parents would like to see Miss Erica prance around the stage cracking jokes and singing Broadway show tunes.

Level 1:
Poem - Star Light Star Bright
Song - Twinkle Twinkle Little Star
Play - The Enormous Turnip

Level 2:
Song - You've Got A Friend In Me
Play - The Ginger Bread Man

Level 3:
Hip Hop Dance - Fire (from Camp Rock 2...the Disney cancel in HUGE here)

Song - "Baby" Justin Bieber

Backup Dancers - For one students solo singing performance
Song - there is still a debate going on about this!

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