Friday, July 15, 2011

Did you know I'm having a baby?

Yeah you heard me correctly...apparently my students think I'm pregnant. Sighhhh. Today was a field trip to this beautiful private pool just outside the city center. I was not going to let the opportunity go to I put on my least risque swim suit and jumped on in. Well, because I am not considered skinny in Asian eyes my students started out with the innocent "Miss Erica you have fat on the belly"...thank you children...I know that. Then awhile later one of the Vietnamese co-teachers said "Wow you thick legs"...ummm yesss...thank you I've lived with them my whole life. The icing on the cake came when a group of my girl students started patting my stomach and saying "you have baby in have fat stomach looks like you have baby in" to make me die a little more inside one student put her ear to my stomach and said "I hear baby". Wonderful and thank you. Needless to say NO I am NOT with child!!!! I just got a belly full of bindinggg rice and noodles...because one can not find a nice fresh salad anywhere in Vietnam. UUUGGGHHHH. lololol.


  1. lololololololololololololololol
    sounds like a story from my own life!

  2. Oh my God! I'm dying! Kids have no sensors, especially foreign ones (believe me I deal with the same type of thing at work each year!) Keep eating that rice! xoxo
