Wednesday, July 20, 2011

10 Things I Miss...

In many of my emails from all of you I'm always asked the question about what I miss the most about home. Well there are several things:


2. My own room

3. My backyard

4. An actual in Vietnam...hamburger does not have the same meaning. Hamburger to the Vietnamese actually means HAM on a bun with lettuce, tomato, some spicy sauce, and mayo. However, the Ham is not the lovely Boar's head cold cut we mangiamo at lunch. This is a thick slice of boiled ham and ham pate. Don't bother wondering what it tastes is completely unappealing and strange tasting...did I mention that they eat this for breakfast! When they asked me what I eat for breakfast and I said yogurt they had the nerve to tell me how gross that was and unhealthy...can you imagine!!!! Sorry people... I'd take my strawberry yogurt over your ham pate any day!

5. Napkins, Toilet Paper, and Paper Towels...there is a strange mindset here that leads the people to think that one does not need more then one thin single ply napkin when they are eating. For a culture that uses their hands to prepare spring rolls and splashes hot soups all over the place you would think that napkins are a necessity. Most of the time you get 1 that crumbles apart in your hands... other times you get none. Toilet paper is also an undervalued product in this country. I don't care what they hygiene level is in any country toilet paper is a necessity...there is no exception! For two girls sharing one bathroom our toilet paper roll goes in 2 days!!! Those of you who KNOW me well know that there is no way I am busting through a roll of toilet paper in 2 days!!!! Paper towels...non existent!!! They don't use them, they are not sold here, haven't even crossed their minds!

6. Not being followed around in a store...okay yes I know people here are just doing there job but is it a good sales tactic to hover 1 foot behind your customer following them around the store continuously saying to them "Miss you buy? I have good price for you." I kid you take one step they take a step you turn they turn.

7. Shower stalls...In America we are accustomed to our bathroom being a center of relaxation...some people get there best thinking done there whether it be upon their throne or soaking in their tube. My bathroom in my apartment has a shower head hooked up to the wall but its sprays are not confined to a certain area. So when we shower water goes everywhere. Now I've had this experience in hostels on the Amalfi Coast and in Rome and it was tolerable...but living with this set up for 4 weeks is somewhat something of another story!

8. A normal flow of traffic...we don't have to go into detail about this one since you've already heard about the crazy traffic here. One co-teachers advice was to "just close your eyes and walk into the street...they will drive around you...hopefully."

9. Menus for everyone at the table...So when we go out to eat it's usually 4 - 6 people at a time. Normally at a restaurant in the States every person at the table would be handed a menu. Not here! 2-3 menus tops are given out per table...Why??? you may answer is...I have not f-ing clue!!! To pick something out to eat is such a production.

10. My Heartbeat ;)

***Now although these may be some things that I miss from home let it not for a minute make you think that I do not like it here! I love it! This has been an amazing and life changing experience. And although there may be a lack of napkins and annoying sales people this resilient and beautiful country is a place everyone should visit!

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