Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Tunnel Rat

Another historically important sight we visited was the Cu Chi Tunnels. For those of you who don’t know what they are I will give you a brief history lesson on them…The Cu Chi tunnels were first created in the late 1940’s when Vietnam was a French colony and they needed a way to escape from superior French weaponry and communicate secretly. Between 1960 and 1970 the network of tunnels was expanded by the Viet Cong to use for safety and guerilla tactics during the Vietnam War. These are no ordinary tunnels though…they had sleeping quarters, hospitals, weapon storages, cookhouses, schools, water wells, etc. The original tunnels were only 32 inches high!!! One small section has been made larger to help accommodate larger Western tourists. When we first arrived at the park all visitors were made to watch a video from the late 1960’s about the Cu Chi Tunnels. Let’s just say that this video was by no means politically correct. The U.S. was called “a Devilish batch of people killers”…again the video is from the 1960’s but I actually laughed out loud at that point. After that we took a guided walk around the park where we were able to view actual secret entrances and deadly booby traps of the tunnels. Much of this park is extremely well persevered. It was quite haunting to walk through these bamboo and shady tree covered trails and think that many brave U.S. soldiers gave their life right here on this very spot. The amount of fighting, bombing, and killing that happened in this area is beyond anything we could possibly imagine. It was a sad but interesting experience. The brutality of the guerilla warfare tactics were made even more baffling by the simplification of their design. I was horrified to see how vicious these “death traps” were. My heart goes out to all those individuals who died by way of these awful death traps.

I was able to go through a section of tunnel at the park. You walk down a tiny entrance and immediately you are covered in darkness and a wall of thick heat. You cannot stand upright and for most of the tunnel you have to walk hunched over except for certain sections when you actually have to crawl. The tunnels are extremely claustrophobic but instead of freaking out I reviled in the experience. It was so freaking cool!!! After the tunnel experience I got to be a bit of a bad ass. I had the opportunity to shoot an M30 machine gun. It was f-ing awesomeeeeee!!!! The sound was ear piercingly loud but the thrill of shooting off heavy artillery made me feel like I could be in a video game. I mean…I’m in Vietnam on an important sight of heavy fighting during the war and I’m not gonna have a go with a machine gun…I don’t think so!


  1. Your boobs look big in that second picture! nice!!!
