Thursday, July 7, 2011

Cupcakes Even In Vietnam!

As we ventured out into the city today the group and I came across this tiny cupcake shop that was impossible to resist. Pacey's Cupcake Shop is the cutest little store ever! Baking whisks have been converted into fabulous lamps hanging over the counter and the owner (Mr. Pacey himself) was so sweet. He explained that he was the only cupcake store in the city and that he got his idea to open up his shop after watching the entire seasons of DC Cupcakes and Cupcake Wars on TV!!! I picked out two to devour (cause you know I can't ever just eat one of anything) Lemon Cupcake & Strawberry Yogurt Cupcake. He doesn't know yet but Mr. Pacey will be my new best friend for the month! Orange Cupcake & Red Velvet Cupcake...look out I'm coming for you next!

1 comment:

  1. I am so happy they have that for you!!!!! you are the cupcake queen. Next time you go, take a picture of the lamps. I want to see them.
