Saturday, July 2, 2011

Just Call Me ... Miss Saigon

After a long and exhusting flight I've finally made it to Vietnam. We arrived in Ho Chi Minh City aorund 6:00 p.m. yesterday only to find that the sun was setting. I guess the sun sets mucho ealier than at home. By the time we made it to our "apartments" it was pretty dark out. I have never seen so many motorbikes/scooters/vespa's in my entire life. People here drive these little motorinos with reckless abandon. Up on the side walks, on the grass, cutting each other off on the's insane! 8-10 jumbled lanes of mass confusion, gas, and simply put...danger danger! They fit 4-5 people at one time, helmets are completely optional especially for children, and apparently you can multitask while driving one...example...a mother breast feeding her 2 year old son while driving her bike and talking on the cell phone...both wearing no helmet!
My apartment say the Fisher Island Villa. But you know me...I'll be GLITTERING that bad boy up in no time. Warned my roomate to expect a few sparkles, head scarfs, and gypsy woman touchs in the next few days.
Setting out to explore the city today... Love you all!

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