Tuesday, August 2, 2011

i carry your heart with me (i carry it in my heart)

i am never without it (anywhere i go you go, my dear;

and whatever is done by only me is your doing, my darling)

i fear no fate (for you are my fate, my sweet)

i want no world (for beautiful you are my world, my true)

and it's you are whatever a moon has always meant and whatever a sun will always sing is you here is the deepest secret nobody knows

(here is the root of the root and the bud of the bud and the sky of the sky of a tree called life; which grows higher than the soul can hope or mind can hide)
and this is the wonder that's keeping the stars apart

i carry your heart (i carry it in my heart)

To everyone who had supported my decision to take on this incredible journey and live beyond the ordinaries of life...I appreciate your love, strength, and praise. Every step I have taken, every sight I have seen, every experience I have felt... I have carried you in my heart...I hope you have enjoyed the ride! What adventure shall we go on next time???

Monday, August 1, 2011

Farewell Vietnammmm

I'm coming home
I'm coming home
Tell NEW YORK that I'm coming HOMEEEE
Thank you for coming on this amazing journey with me!!!
See you all soon!

The Greatest Man Alive.

We had the absolute privilege to share our tour of Da Lat with this fine gentlemen from Malaysia. He was flamboyantly gay, outrageous, and hilarious. He sang show tunes on the bus and took individual photos worthy of America's Next Top Model.

Hot Pot

Another delicious traditional Vietnamese dish that I will highly recommend is the Hot Pot. All the ingredients come to you fresh at the table and you cook it yourself. It's a great hearty soup mixed with shrimp, squid, beef, pork, mushrooms, leafy greens, tofu, sprouts, noodles, and eggs. In freezing cold and rainy Da Lat this was the perfect comfort food. Went right to bed after eating this pot of goodness.

Preen Waterfall

Da Lat Sights

Da Lat Weekend Trip

We headed up to the central highlands of Vietnam this past weekend. Da Lat is considered to be one of Vietnam's most romantic cities...although it was quite beautiful I think it's a stretch to call it a mini Paris. The bus ride took 6 hours but the trip was filled with amazing natural beauty. The mountain roads took you along the edges of cliffs and through dense green forests. It was quite a scenic drive. From the moment we arrived in Da Lat till the moment we left it rained. And it was freaking cold!!! Nothing like the hot humidity of Saigon!!!

Friday, July 29, 2011

Off to Da Lat

Last weekend in Vietnam and we are heading off to Da Lat in the central highlands of the country. I'll catch you all up when I get back on Monday. xoxo

Me and the Kids.

Graduation & Closing Performances

Today was my last day as a teacher here at SEAMEO RETRAC in Ho Chi Minh City...my work is done. It was a great way to end my time at the school. The students were adorable in their wacky cap, gown, and bow tie. Their parents, who were all so lovely, came up to the teachers to express their gratitude for us taking an interest in their children. The performances were great and the amazing energy in the room made it even better. Each teacher was introduced to the audience...I felt like I was at the dance recital...my name was called and the students started screeaming, yelling, and chanting...Ms. E-Ri-Ca. I'm even a celebrity in Saigon! After the ceremony was over a mad rush of students came at us begging for our signatures on the back of their diplomas. I was asked by the director to give a speach about my experience at SEAMEO and tell the audience what I have been thankful for. It was such a beautiful and heart warming experience. I feel blessed to have been given this opportunity. My co-teacher Ms. Hang
My Vietnamese Director at SEAMEO - Mrs. Lieu and her daughter Susan

My Thank You note to the students and the program

Cupcake Update

News from the cupcake front...

Third go at Pacey's Cupcake Shoppe.

Coconut Red Velvet & Chocolate Cream Cheese


Thursday, July 28, 2011

Motorbiking Saigon!

Yesterday afternoon my teenie tiny co-teacher Hang took me out for a joy ride through Ho Chi Minh City on her motorbike. I' so happy I got to experience this before I left. It's exhilarating insanity! There is no concept of lanes, turning signals, or driving down a one way street the right way. We drove around the local districts and she took me to a local street cart for lunch. We ate our fried chicken leg, spicy rice and lettuce broth on two stools on the sidewalk. The food was great! After lunch she drove me to a tea and herb shop to pick up some nice exotic teas for home. Then, because she is a devote Catholic, she took me to check out this beautiful church. The facade was painted HOT PINK with white curly trim. It looked like a giant piece of cake...mmm I would love some cake right now!

The REX Hotel Saigon

After having spent the last month is a sub par apartment I decided to treat myself to a 2 night stay at a top-notch hotel here in Saigon...well technically Sean treated me...but nonetheless I needed to get the heck out of there! I decided on staying at the Rex Hotel Saigon Tuesday and Wednesday night. This 5-Star hotel is famous for being the legendary haunt of US army officers during the Vietnam War. Located at the heart of central Saigon the hotel was perfectly situated just around the block from the school. Finally...a big, beautiful, comfortable bed to curl up in.
Vietnamese spring rolls from room service, Iron Man 2, and my fluffy bed was all I needed to have a great Wednesday night!

I was in desperate need of a pedicure so I headed to the gorgeous La Cochinchina Spa in the hotel. I enjoyed a 30 minute foot scrub and foot massage + a 30 minute classic pedicure for only $23.00. To prepare myself accordingly for my return journey home I picked the nail polish color Big Apple Red for my toes ;)


Since we've pretty much seen all that Saigon has to offer we've been trying to just live like the locals. Tuesday night we went to the bowling alley located next door to our school on the top floor of the mall. For one game of bowling and shoe rental it was 57,000 VND (Vietnamese Dang) = $2.75 USD total! How much does one game of bowling and a shoe rental cost at home??? I'm quite certain you can't get it for $2.75!!! My total score...58...awesome!

I'm Loved.

As my trip is nearing to a close I am saddened by the thought of saying goodbye to an unexpectedly loving group of amazing children. In the last few days they have expressed their feelings about me returning to New York and how they love me as a teacher. It's always nice to feel validated and appreciated. But I can't help but feel sad that I will not see them again and never watch them grow up. I've learned quite a few things about myself during my time here in Vietnam. One major lesson learned is that no matter where I go or what I do in life people LOVE me! ;) By sticking true to myself and embracing those around me I have the ability to leave an impression on people's lives. How I do it or what I do is still a mystery to me but I have finally accepted that people will love me. If I can make Vietnamese children, co-workers, Dance children, Cardozo faculty, and even that boyfriend of mine embrace my wackiness then maybe I do have something really special to share with the world. Corny...I know...Enlightening...YES! And if people don't love the me that I put out there...well too bad for them...their probably assholes anyway!!!

This is my #1 Fan Bob.

He gave me a gift for the last class...it was a wooden flute!

Watching The Bieb's during the class...today's song of choice..."Never Say Never"